The Good Doctor
by Neil Simon
November 30 and December 1, 2018
Performed at the Whitneyville Cultural Commons, Hamden, CT
Directed by Marydelll Merrill, Brooks Appelbaum, Dina Addorisio, Tina Parziale, Dawn DeMeo, Kailee Ostroski
Cast: Chet Ostroski, Ryan Wantroba, Doug Benham, Brooks Appelbaum, Kailee Ostroski, Victoria Addorisio, Tina Parziale, Stephen Sedlak, Taylor Crofton, Christy Donahue, Anthony Urillo, David Macharelli, Dennis Bell, Ryan Devaney
Production Team: Tina Parziale, Kailee Ostroski, Chris Petrucci
This Broadway hit is a composite of Neil Simon and Anton Chekhov. In one sketch, a feisty old woman storms a bank and upbraids the manager for his gout and lack of money. In another, a father takes his son to a house to initiate him into the mysteries of sex, only to relent at the last moment and leave the boy more perplexed than ever. In another sketch, a crafty seducer goes to work on a wedded woman, only to realize that the woman has been in command from the first overture. And let us not forget the classic tale of a man who offers to drown himself for three rubles. The stories are droll, the portraits affectionate, the humor infectious, and the fun unending.